Thursday, September 27, 2012


I'm so used to not sleeping during regular hours. I'd probably call it a night when it was already too late for that, because it was already morning. It's weird how I don't sleep when I'm supposed to, but get so sleepy when I have to stay awake. Gaaahh. School shizz.

Today, I was supposed to buy a lightsaber. The LRT died on me and I was forced to take a jeep home. The trip made me realize one thing... It's that I love the LRT. That no matter how I feel like a sardine in a can, when it smells like butt and armpit late at night and when dudes don't give up their seat to the weirdo with huge glasses just because she doesn't look like she's off female descent? You really cannot find a faster way to commute from point A to B. I think my butt died from sitting down for so long. If I'm correct, it took almost 2 hours just to get home. Whenever I rode the train it took me 45 minutes tops from Roosevelt to Vito Cruz. I will never complain again.

Unless someone kills herself by jumping off the platform and getting run over by a train.

The only reason I wasn't dying of boredom was because I sorta kidnapped someone's best dude friend, just so that I wouldn't be by myself when I commuted home. I also got to "DJ" for the night and have my own special show called: SAWI SPECIAL. I had a special guest named The Hamster. And he was the best air drummer ever.

The trip was long and hard, and the traffic made it worse. But I got to pick songs for le broken hearted boys who can't seem to move on. Good guys always get burned so bad. Why them Lord? Whyyy? They're so adorable and such cuties? Why make them suffer?

The Hamster was a good sport. Also he didn't hate me when I made the biggest fail I could ever make: Playing Mr. Brightside and then suddenly turning the song into You and Me. Seriously. Arielle, seriously? If I did that on air I was screwed for life.

So yeah. It was too late to get a lightsaber since it was almost 9 in the evening when I got home. I'm really psyched for tomorrow, but the lightsaber was supposed to help me get Ate points. Oh well, I guess my Jake the Bag will have to do.

The universe is conspiring something. I can feel it.

Or maybe it's being a dear and not making me spend moolah. Hmmm...

- >:)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

we're the kids you used to love, but then we grew old

I need to be Marshall Lee.

Seriously. I need to be all smooth, gwapo. And badass. And .... yeah. Marshall Lee. Basically, a vampire.

It's 'cause I just got this really cool Starbucks package. And I'm all kilig inside. Seriously.

I can't believe I just went vegan, I'm regretting it so much right now. Dude, Arielle. Come on. I have nothing else to do, but be more affectionate and so cheesy that they'll have to put me in a Greenwich commercial.

Also this is me. Being vain with my Starbucks package from someone who makes my heart burn. By the way... his name rhymes with Gerard.

 Le Lumpy Space Princess note ♥ Which I gave him :>
I am seriously a happy carrot

I need to put all the food I can't eat in the fridge and eat it .... 30 days from now. Also I have to drink the "fake milk" soon. But I can't seem to open le package. This is so special and sacred right now.

On Saturday I will make a shirt. A TEAM shirt. You have been warned.

- >:)

it's tough to be a guy

I've always openly proclaimed about me being part girl and all. But who am I really as dude!Arielle? I can't really put myself in a certain stereotype because I'm not really sure there's a dude category for my  uncool weirdness. So I guess there is nothing to do but be Arielle. Ninja Arielle. Ninja carrot mermaid Arielle.

But even if I can be a dude in a relationship, I've never actually been a dude in a relationship with another dude. Yeah. A dude.

I'm dead serious when it comes to matters of the heart. I just don't like people to feel like they're all alone in this world, okay? I will give people so much attention to a point that it gets annoying. I will be all up in their faces and giving them hugs and baked goods. And if people actually have the guts to ask me out or say, "hey, we're dating" then I'll get real serious of how I'm going to be towards you. Even if you're a dude, a girl or like the ugliest person ever. I'm like Olive Penderghast. With the actual dating and being in a relationship... and yeah. Because I will not be the goody bag in your pity party, I'll be the one dancing like an idiot and trying to make you laugh like one too.

Maybe it's just a joke and maybe telling a person that they're dating was this random thing just for laughs. Wrong move dude. I'm going to smother you. You will find me so darn annoying for trying to be the perfect dude for you. I will stand outside your house holding a boombox over my head- speakers blasting your favorite pop song, I will write you letters and bake for you, I will make covers of your fave songs and tell you you're beautiful. As a ninja it is my mission to make people happy, and to make the people I heart even happier.

Today I've already made cupcakes and bought really cute stationary. But it's like it's not enough. It's not that I'm running out of ideas, but when you're trying to show someone affection you just really want to bring out your A game. You want to be that guy. I want to be that romantic badass dude that all the ladies seem to dream about. That dude with the hair and the rep, but he'll go as far as sneaking in through your bedroom window with his guitar just to sing you to sleep. I can't play the guitar, but I will try just for you dude. Just for you.

So yeah. Not running out of ideas, but it was real funny when I kept asking people on how they'll go about serenading or courting someone. Their answers were just so romantic and maybe some were kind of impossible. Seeing as in this situation of being a dude I can't really be a dude because of ... yeah.

Also learned something from my Ate. She said that all the dudes she's read about from shoujo manga were dudes that were jerks, cruel and badass in that smoldering way. And that the girls never really do get the guy. She has to wait around for the guy to realize that she's the one, and then he finally stops being a douchebag to her. After what a zillion chapters? The girl had to wait around for her prince charming to turn around. Sheesh. Why are guys so mean?

I will never be mean to you. Just so you know.

I am making another TEAM shirt. It's to express my heart for you. It will probably creep you out. But deep inside, I know you're really kilig.

What makes a real guy kilig, anyway?

Boobs. Nice.

- >:)

Monday, September 24, 2012

eyes. get it?

I am in love with beat tapes. Seriously. Local music is so amazing.

I cannot rave on twitter, so I will do it here.

I have been trying to download free albums since forever. They are all beautiful.

I think the cover art is beautiful.

I feel sad whenever the download takes forever. But I must soldier on. For my musical sensibilities.

I cry whenever the link gets broken. But I must click refresh. It is for my ears.

I must learn how to be patient with music. I have to let it come to me.

I need sleep, but I cannot sleep. It's already 1 something.

I cannot feel my fingers. This couch is amazing. I have no moar bed. It has asked for a divorce.

I will collapse tomorrow. Will you catch me? Or let me roll down the stairs? Mental picture is funny.

I want a lightsaber. A ninja with a lightsaber sounds so cool.

I really want a burrito. A vegan burrito is not the same. Sad, sad carrot.

I am going to name my ulcer after you.

- >:)

you mean like the f- word?

I think I'll start saying that every time someone says, "Swear!".

If you're a Sindac kid then you usually spend the Sundays hearing mass, then heading over to your grandparents' house for lunch and then it's either you go home or you hit the nearest mall and watch a movie. We were lucky enough to get the option of watching a movie. I really didn't want to go home right away. It meant that I had to clean my room. Which I wasn't really keen on doing anytime soon.

Yeah, I know. I am a lazy bum. I'll figure where to sleep when it's like12 in the morning. In the meantime I'd rather watch a movie.

We were supposed to watch Dredd, but I asked dad if we can watch ParaNorman instead. Dad was really pushing for us to watch the former, but even if it was this really cool movie I doubt me and my sibling would've really enjoyed since we had no idea what the movie was about. Even if it looked so badass and jam-packed with action based off the trailer. Screw us or whatevs for not knowing about Dredd, but we're really uncool and dorky in our own rights. At least we ain't posers.

And turns out the movie had an R-16 rating, meaning my two bros wouldn't be able to watch. So we really had no choice but to go with my suggestion and watch ParaNorman. No way in the hey hey will I watch The Mistress. Le gross.

We had like an hour and something something minutes before the show starts so we headed straight to Toys R Us. I laugh at how me and my siblings are such babies sometimes. Ced brought his new lightsaber toy so I had to hide it under my shirt so we wouldn't be accused of stealing when we entered the store. It was kind of obvious so I had to do a "thief technique" by tucking it in my back, like it was under my shirt but inside my shorts. I don't know if your mental picture's right, but it's not as bad as it sounds. But I did have a lightsaber down my back... so it was pretty hard for me to walk around.

I don't know why, but Ced started getting addicted to Star Wars. I mean, my whole fam (okay maybe not mom) has this special place in our hearts reserved for Star Wars feels. It's all thanks to our dad and super geek tita, but it was still funny when Ced started asking us to have marathons with him. He's nine years old and wasn't even born yet when were already having lightsaber fights and trying to grow out our hair for side braids ala apprentice style. The generation gap is so obvious, but it's cool that we have a new thing that we can all relate to as siblings. That and we need to have another Naruto movie marathon. I am solely responsible for my brothers' geeking out over Naruto as well, and I take full responsibility for it.

So we basically just act like complete dorks whenever we come upon a toy section that we hearted. You can only imagine how I was when I saw the Ben 10 display and when I discovered that there was actually a display of BMX. I wish I were in Japan. I want the real BMX, the one that you have to assemble and you can use it to fight and rule the world- just like the evil people did in the anime. But sadly, this is the Philippines. I would just have to make do with the figurines.

Because I will always be part of the Dark Side.... I heard they had cookies..
LBX ♥ 
Spent my summer falling in love with Emperor M2. I think I died inside when this got destroyed during the anime. But I think I died even moar when I saw the price of this baby. I am le poor. Someone make me happy and get me this beautiful BMX

Was shocked when I saw these. My heart broke when I saw Marceline's figurine....
Please. Original AT merch? Yes, please.

Whuuut. Jake what happened to your bombastic personality?

It's a sparkle unicorn! Totally buying this because it has an "S" on it's butt >:)

Might go back here on Thursday. I have fantastic plans. I think I can get enough moolah to actually buy a lightsaber. Yes. I am eighteen years old and will but that lightsaber. Because of perfectly good reasons. One, I am going to buy it for Friday; two, so that me and Ced can be dorks together (I told you I was all jelly over him having one) aaaand three, so I can be the really cool older sister come Friday.

So what was happening on Friday? Well, Arielle Sindac has a special A rank mission. She must babysit a brother and get free food. And ride the freaking Octopus. So yes, in order for the mission to be successful a ninja must be equipped with a lightsaber. It's for the bb boys to go all, "Woaahhh" and "Ced, is that your sister? Why is she so cool?" and this is where I answer, "Dude... I'm like totally uncool."


ParaNorman was freaking cool!:D Turned out better than I expected. I am totally digging Norman's character. He's like the kid I always wished I could be back when I was trying to convert to Wiccan and had tons of witchcraft books. He may have been the outcast at school for having too much zombie memorabilia and the ability to communicate with ghosts? But I would have seriously given my right lung if I was just like him when I was a kid. And the quotes from the movie, man. Seriously funny. I think I was laughing the whole time. Also this movie is kind of like Adventure Time, in how it's not really just meant for kids. You have to watch the movie to get why =))

I heart Halloween kid movies, because they are adorable and I will forever be afraid of horror movies. I am too much of a carrot to actually really enjoy movies like that for I have an overactive imagination and I might just dream myself some creepy old lady or slasher crazy person in my dreamworld. Nu-uh dude, my dreamworld is reserved for my crushes and like, burritos. Yeah, burritos.

Speaking of Halloween, cannot wait for the Halloween party at my STC friend's place! My hair is not even of Marceline proportions, but I cannot wait to try and dress up like her. I mean, it's way different than trying to channel her badass personality with what I wear on a daily basis. But not everyone can rock an axe-bass and float everywhere. So yeah. Halloween.

Will start a vegan diet. Again. I really need the vegan powers. I shall be a ninja with vegan powers.

And commit cannibalism by eating fellow carrots.

I've also been trying to expand my taste in music. Now I am in love with local beat tapes.

- >:)


Seriously. Will seriously start bringing my camera. I need photographic evidence of my adventurin's.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

a drama llama in two parts

11:30 AM

I masterbaked this morning and just got back from delivering fifty cupcakes. I am now watching The Phantom Menace with the macho-est dude ever and freaking in because Obi-Wan looks so adorbz (I've been in love with his braid thing since childhood. That braid made me a woman). I don't think we'll be able to finish this. It's like I can't seem to finish things I want to really do these days. Also I am doing chores. As you can see I am on a multi-tasking frenzy. Being a ninja is amazing.

Will be leaving in a bit. It's still in a few hours, but I'm going to watch my brother dance with Indak for the Skechers Streetdance Battle Eliminations at Mall of Asia. I am such a stage sister but I swear to Gerard! My siblings are all amazing and fantastic dancers and I have none of that crazy dancing gene in me. I am such a dork when I try to dance. Try being the operative verb. I'd rather cheer for them like a crazy fangirl than breakdance. Might end up breaking something else. Like my neck. Or my pride.

Also will be fetching my parents from the airport later this evening. Me and my siblings have been home alone since Monday. It's weird. Was so used to not having a dad around for years and not having a mom around for three months. I think we handled it well better than expected. No house parties, no accidents- because we of the Sindacs have an uncool gene. Just me going home late and lola freaking out that I might be somewhere I shouldn't. Hmmm, I wonder what caused such a reaction...

Cajo is being a douchebag. I am the worst sister ever. I can only communicate with babies. Because babies and tiny children love me. When they become teenagers they become... an evil version of me. Me when I'm in a very, very bad mood. Or when someone calls me a "bully" and when I refuse to talk to him or acknowledge his existence.

Oh I am cruel.


11:30 PM

I wore my Boy Scouts polo today :> It looks real awesome. Also, I got to eat fries! Macho dudes are the best. Not only did he drive me to wherevs today, he also let me sleep throughout the whole drive to MOA. Man, the traffic was insane and I was sleeping like a baby. He was all, "Sa sobrang bagal parang dinuduyan ka narin ng kotse". It's when I have dudes like this around when I feel like a princess.

So Indak made it to eliminations. Le duh, it was obvious that they'd get in. What was surprising was that they got the highest score, beating Hataw and Airforce. I'm just really proud of my bro, and I have to give it to him. He was dead front and center throughout their routine and he got a lot of main stunts. It's such a big huge improvement to his performance from last year. Ahhh, it's great to be a stage sister. I think I need to make a new TEAM CYRIL shirt. My shirt from last year said, "I'm his sister. I have his number" printed on the back. I'm also a very embarrassing sister >:)

Got a lot of souvenirs from mom and dad's trip. I heart the boomerang I got and there's a kangaroo plushie that has adopted a koala. Have no idea how that happened. Will start using this really cool bag that has this ethnic design. It's so huge and colorful. I think it's going to replace my storm trooper canvas bag... oh heck to the no. Must look for that canvas bag, it needs moar Arielle loving. Also I have an XXL shirt, thank you dad for I heart over sized stuff. My favorite pasalubong was the lightsaber Ced got! It's blue and baby sized. It made me really jelly. Wish I was nine years old and suddenly falling in love with everything related to the force.

Tomorrow I have to clean my room.... One does not simply walk into Mordor, and that is how my side of the room has started to look like. I am swimming in clothes and bags. And mangas.

I have tried to clean. But I have no idea how there can be mangas under my bed, on my chair and on top of le desk. My bed is no longer a bed, for I cannot sleep in it. I tried. I have also bought sweaters for the sweater weather. And I have suddenly acquired a love for silk shirts with these crazy designs. My brain is all over the place.

Oh, how I'd give my left lung to be able to draw like a pro and take out my tear ducts and donate it to people who wouldn't abuse it so. I miss... Who are you, really?

- >:)

Friday, September 21, 2012

And I'll be here in the morning if you say stay

So I've decided to go on a twitter hiatus. Facebook is out of the question, because no one is old school anymore and this is where school shizz goes down. Everyone just lives off the internet now.

I will spend most of my time trying to get new dance-y tunes in my head, listen to the radio at 2 in the morning (how I missed this), think of interesting things to talk about and to learn how to make chunky bracelets. I am a multi-tasking ninja. Also, hey chores!

Today I was set to do the following:
  • bake cupcakes
  • buy boxes for cupcakes
  • buy ingredients for fifty cupcakes
  • be a ninja on a mission to spread happiness
I was asked to bake cupcakes for someone's debut tomorrow. Might even start working on them cupcakes tonight. I've done seventy five before, hope I don't die from this. No rest for the wicked.


Friday. Today was Friday. And I wanted to cheer someone up. I was a ninja on a mission. A never-ending mission where it was my duty and way of the ninja to make people happy. For today I was going to try to make someone happy.

I've known this person since high school and she is precious. I think I owe her my soul. Or maybe one of my future unborn children.

I call her Taemin.

Taemin actually is .... hmm... Well, she is precious. And she is also fragile. And I took it upon myself to be the one to tell her that I love her and will forever be in her debt. One, because I really do and two, she also has a pile of letters as evidence of why I must do so in the first place. Very embarrassing evidence of the person I was almost five years ago. It was scarring. I actually read all of it.

It took forever, but I finally found her. It took an MRT ride, the longest jeepney ride of my life, losing P20 to load that was never sent my way aaaand walking. Lots of walking.

But whatevs. I got to spend a day with her. Her dog, Gus, loved me. Or I think he did. He kept hugging my legs, smelling my smelly feet and chewing at my bag (I left Diablo at home, phew!). She fed me with fried chicken and I swam in gravy. We watched music videos and parodies, and we laughed at all the gayness. I made her listen to new music and she made me listen to SafetySuit. They sound nice. She also did my nails and gave me really cool Killjoy nails for my right hand. She is amazing at nail art.

 Killjoy Party Poison inspired nails. Man, she is amazing
Mismatched nails. She did the awesome one, I made the plain one
Me making Taemin a bracelet. Will make her a new one. A better one.

Besides me trying to make her laugh and make a funny, she also helped me remember how much of a douche past!Arielle was. It made me feel like poop. Because past!Arielle was too obnoxious, too full of herself and asked for so much things. Also she was the weirdest person to ever walk the planet and she never always kept her promises. I may be in the level of uncool and emo forever, but I'd rather be that than go back to being.... that. I was embarrassing, oblivious and I ruined people's lives. And apparently broke hearts. An ugly girl who hurt people's feelings without even knowing it. So very, very sad.

Today she kept saying this: "Arielle, you are so paasa". I don't even know why. Is it bad to give people so much attention? Or shower them with affection? Or tell them that if they felt all alone, someone out there loves them? That that person was me? 

Hey, that doesn't sound too bad. It could even be a song. 

But seriously, I am too oblivious and get lost all the time that the ninja title doesn't suit me.

Me + Taemin 
(I'm so thankful we stayed friends, I'm always here- forever making it up to you >:D<)

Oh, who am I kidding. I'm a ninja. I still did get to share the funny and make someone happy. This was what I want to do for the rest of my life. All I want to do is make people happy. 

And maybe dye my hair pink. And meet Spencer Smith.

- >:)

p.s. Must make an entry about last weekend. Too many pictures, but I will try.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Adventurin': Ang Nawawala (What Went Missing)

Being able to start the new term right was what I had planned for my Wednesday. New term, new subjects and a whole lot of educational shizz coming my way. Actually, I was really inspired to do even better for the second term. It's so not me, but it must be done. After 14 years of being a student, I have finally achieved one success that my parents can start to use as a bragging right. I don't want to let them down. That and they pay for my tuition. Crossing my fingers that my hardworking student vibe lasts longer than just a few days. I can hear Gerard Way and Bert McCracken belching out the lyrics to Under Pressure. Le gasp.

So hello, Wednesday. And what a way to start the first day of the second term by going to school early? I actually laughed when I was at the LRT station before 7. So was not used to the early. I had fantastic plans and it involved getting to have brunch with my babe :> This was going to be a thing! With me fetching her, eating brunch together. Every school day. Until the end of the term. Forever and ever, please? 

Theeeen insert school shizz here. With me actually volunteering to be a beadle for a class, what is with me? This good student streak better get me plus points. Gahaha, I wish. And the cool thing about first days is that classes get dismissed earlier than usual. So got to have another up of hot chocolate after my first class. Second class of the day was . I think I may actually survive the subject since the prof we got is the coolest. It's got to be the glasses and the crisp white long sleeves, complete with the tie. You gotta love a dude who's all dressed up :> Awww shiizzz, don't want another teacher crush. Arielle! Come on! Making I ♥ INSERT SOMEONE'S NAME HERE shirts are going to be so darn hard since I've lost my silk screen printing skillz. Also I think Sir Dave's suffered enough from my fangirling and I don't want to have anymore strange conversations with teachers. Emman calls it "flirting"- that douche, but I call it "me having a creative discussion over grammar problems". Even if it was a conversation where we talked about hotdogs. Yeah..

Last class of the day was so darn awesome. What's better than first day classes ending early? Free cuts! Free cut! Free cut! Could my day get any better? It was like the skies were opening up, the universe wasn't conspiring with me that day, and I got to hang with my H3O bros. Freaking in from all the coolness radiating off my hipster boy and his new haircut. He looked so darn smooth, but he kept complaining about all the stares he got that day. I had to keep reassuring him that all the stares just showed how awesome he looked, and that people were looking at him because he looked so darn cool. They were all just jelly. But it still didn't stop him from asking if he looked okay every 5 seconds. Please people, please stop giving him weird stares. You're making him feel awkward about himself, even with his I don't give a funion attitude. Also it gives us something to laugh about, because you random person who can't keep your eyes away, or doesn't know how to be subtle at staring? You... look so weird, your staring look does not become you.

So where were we? Oh yes, bonding with my best guys. Missed them so much over the "term break". Got to eat lunch with H3O dudes, we tried out the fried rice from this new stall that opened at Agno. I think I died because of the croquettes. They were so good, but I wished they were a heck load bigger. My Monday and Wednesday schedule had an early dismissal so I could have lunch with the both of them if my last class ended early. If not, then there's always Rectorizer. He needs company, especially when he orders food for three people. He needs us around to make him not look like much of a pig. Why were my boys so insecure? I was so right about a dude's sensibilities.

I was talking about fantastic plans and September 12 not only marked the start of another school term. It was also the premiere of the movie Ang Nawawala outside of Cinemalaya. I've been geeking out over this indie film ever since I heard about it. I really thought that the story was so different from the default plots of local movies. Not only was the title not from a song, how the movie wasn't going to be some rom-com with a predictable plot, plus the actors who were cast for this movie weren't based on how good looking they were. ALSO this indie film wasn't gay. Just saying.

Ang Nawawala teaser poster

A lot of people really wanted to see this film, so I'm sure a lot of fans were so happy when this came out:
I already marked September 12 on my calendar. Nothing was going to get in my way- I was going to watch this film no matter what. Another reason why I wanted to watch this movie so bad was because I got so interested in seeing how the Gibbs x Enid would go. I was a shipper since watching the trailer and when I saw pictures of the two of them. This was my first heterosexual pairing that I shipped since forever! I've been turned off from straight pairings because I've been messed up by manga. I'm so sorry I'm weird, but girl and guy pairings just made me barf. Unless it was Koibumi Biyori love teams, in my head a guy and dude look so much better together. Do I need proof of how messed up my brain works? I am a firm believer that Sasuke and Naruto are meant to be, that their ninja ways and genders just makes their love(-hate) even stronger! It's the obstacles that people make for love that make the love so beautiful. It's the thought that they may never be together in the end that just brings tears to your eyes. In my head this is the scenario:

Naruto: I will never stop running after you!
Sasuke: *kilig inside* I will kill you.

Because Sasuke is such a girl and he secretly wants Naruto to chase after him. If you don't believe me, I will gladly give you my theories on why SasuNaru exists and is not just a manga strategy to get girls to read shounen manga. I will be a spazz, but after you listen to me I swear to Gerard you will come out a believer.

Went off topic, but Enid's character for the film just screamed badass hipster chick. And Gibbs was that awkward guy. So in my head they were so meant to be. They had really good chemistry, and this picture where they let the other listen to their music is just beautiful.

Gibbs x Enid ♥

Enid, whose style I was really digging. I need black stockings and moar dresses.

So after lunch and bringing people to class, I set off to meet up with mah Eytchpiiiii. We were supposed to go on a date since we met up last Monday. I've been spazzing to her about how this movie was going to be DABOMB. Also dragged homie!Diego along. Made plans to watch this movie with him ever since he told me that they were showing the film on September 12. I'm shizz at google-fu when it comes to finding out about local schedules.

We decided to watch the movie at SM Manila, so here we are- me and Diego sitting on the floor. Waiting for my HP to arrive at Central station. I heart last minute decisions and being spontaneous. I was also starting a career in being a bad influence on this dude who was 10 days younger than me. Tsk, tsk.

Fork youuuuu. Y U keep messing up my laces, man??

This was going to be the first time that my HP was going to go out of her way and commuting knowledge to come see me. I am that special and she is that awesome. She is also a self proclaimed awkward person, and looks like a lost child when seen alone. You can just imagine how relieved I was when I finally saw her. There was hugging and me hyper shouting like how I usually am with STC people involved. I bet Diego was so scared to see me in my zone. At least he was a sport and took pictures.

HPs ♥

This is not forced... Or so my HP says.
I had to show my planner to my HP, it looked so blank and lacking in color. It was a sad planner.

This is my confession. Hidden behind a My Chem picture. I had to make my HP read it, she was there during my emergency of the heart :(

So the movie was at 2:30 and we were late! It was partly my fault. We were waiting in line at the wrong ticket booth. Gasssshhhh. Arielle Sindac, why? Whhhyy?

Also it was really sad to see that we were the only ones inside the cinema:( Boooo. Why are y'all not watching this movie? We have to do our part to keep independent cinema alive, okay? But whatever. I got to put my feet up on the seat in front of me and watch like I would if I were at home. Don't want to spoil anything, but the movie was so good. I heart that they used music from the local indie scene. And fine, maybe just a little bit about the movie. I really went kilig during the part where Gibbs and Enid were checking out records. Communicating with music :>

Also because of this film I'll be saying, "HIGHFIVEMOFOS!" with one arm raised high. It's the Teddy! high five. I'm going to make it part of my vocabulary and might freak people out. People who know me, you have been warned. I won't hate you if you slowly back away when I enter the room.  


Dominic and Felix Roco #HIGHFIVEMOFO from

After the movie, while we were waiting for the cinema people to give back my battery, I asked Diego to take pictures of me and my Eytchpiiiii. I have no idea what he was trying to do with the "from different angles". Also I bought them ice cream. As a prize. For watching the movie with me.I think I forced them to  =))

Yes.  Yes, I am that uncool #HIGHFIVEMOFO 

While walking back to Central station, I saw that my backpack's pocket was open. I freaked out. I mean, my money was waaaay inside my bag. But it was my id that went missing. The irony. We just watched a film entitled Ang Nawawala and just minutes after I lose my id. I wasn't even sad about the id, the only thing on my mind was what was attached to it. My Domokun keychain. That keychain was a souvenir from my trip with my sister to the States last year. I like owning things that were original and okay, so Domokuns were such a rage now so what was so original about this keychain? Well, it had a mustache okay. And mustaches were sexy. And my sexy stache Domokun was gone. It was like getting your heart broken by a dead boyfriend. He doesn't break your heart by cheating on you or breaking up with you. He just dies. Just like that, my Domokun was gone. It was something I don't think I can ever get over. I will forever be sad.

I was also sad that me and my HP had to part. I had to go back to LaSalle and she had to get home. We were going to ride separate trains and I was going to be sad about Domokun leaving me on my own. Also I had to get a new id asap. God. Who loses her id on the first day of the second term?  

Sorry for the smelly pits. Long sleeves = smelly pits 

This happened. I screamed, "HIGHFIVEMOFO" and people did back away. #HIGHFIVEMOFO

Oh. My. Gerard. What the heck document. But thank you notary public lady. You were so nice.

As soon as I got back to school I went on an Arielle version of the amazing race. I kid you not. I had to get a campus pass, I had to get some document that would inform LaSalle that my id was indeed stolen from a notary public that was about to close, go to the accounting office, go to the registrars office to get my picture taken, had to go back to the accounting office because my e-purse couldn't be accessed, forked over so much moolah and got a receipt. So now all I have to do is wait for three days so that I can get my new id. I kind of wanted to cry by the time I made it to the 5th floor of Velasco building. 

But then people were just so happy, I cannot just mess up their happiness by spreading around my emo and depressed aura. Oh, I also forgot to mention that the new term meant getting to board again. I have come to accept the fact that once you're a GLD baby, you'll always be a GLD baby. I didn't mind that I'd have to go home really late, I'd do even cut off my left hand for this if I had to. That's how much being a part of this means so much to me. I'd sell my spare parts... I am so weird.

GLD brothaaa. He's wearing my not!lola glasses and looks supahfly

DJTs on board. My babe and DJT Jeff.
Bubbles to make me happy. Keep trying, please try harder
Might make this my new hangout. When I feel  sad about my life.  This is a great place to be when I was being emo over my loss. Domokun whyyyyy

DJ Dad being... I don't even know, man. 
RIP apple scented bubbles. This is a representation of my non-existent love life. It just... dies.

Boarding went better than I expected. My partner was the awesome DJ Luke, and I think he can help me with my mess ups. Also I got my order from Little Turp. Will wear this outfit soon.

Gaaahhhh. I'm currently in a place where signal is weird and finding a sari sari store that sells load is so... freaking... hard. At least there's internet. This is worth it.

- >:)