Tuesday, September 4, 2012

but with a precious few you should hold on

In the eighteen years of my existence I've already accumulated a huge pile of regrets. Enough that when I die I'll be chased down by tamakin soul-buster gun wielding, yakuza-looking angels from the send off department, just to shoot me to get to the afterlife (if you know this reference, marry me).

This morning I added two more regrets to the pile: one, not getting moar load today and two, I regret not bringing my camera. Le sigh. Perfect opportunity to take pictures? Wasted.

Despite having plans for today, it was still filled with so much adventurin', last minute decisions and being spontaneous. I had one last final exam today and after I planned on spending the entire day with my babe, Steph, to help her finish all her chores and  maybe even get to watch a movie. That was the original plan. It then got blasted with a transmogrifier gun and ended up like this:

finals ---> wake up Steph ---> be comfy in bed with someone you heart so much ----> put on eyeliner ----> admire someone 'cause she's pretty ---> don't lock the bathroom! ----> money ----> go to Paco Park ---> eat dessert at apparently super expensive resto ---> walk walk walk ---->  ride a jeep back to Taft ----> lunch at Mcdo ----> get something that was left behind ----> two wild pokemons suddenly appear ---> LRT---> ticket lines---> douche messing with Jake the Bag's bag straps (messing with Arielle!)----> MRT ----> Ayala station---> elevators ---> walk walk walk---> two dudes getting "lost"---> find out what's wrong with sim ----> walk walk walk ----> pay bills ----> go home alone :(

There was actually a lot of slapping, punching and trying to trip people involved somewhere along the LRT bit until the pay bills part. I'm doing the I'm-watching-you gesture. You know who you are.

So yeah. Had finals at 8 in the morning and I was at school before 7. So wasn't used anymore to being at school that early. Also, I had a visit from the best homie in the world before I took the exam. The pressures of friendship are the best, maybe it was one of the reasons why I wasn't freaking in that much about taking the exam. And the fact that I only really listened to this class was during the review I attended a day before the exam aaaand that I had handouts was probably why I survived.

Then after exercising my brain for the last time for the term, spending the rest of the day with my babe was the ultimate highlight that made today even more awesome. Sometimes in your life, the most random conversations and hugs can lead to best friendships that can last for a long time. In our case as bffffffffffs, it means forever.

We did a lot today, but the one that was sort of fail-y and super hilarious at the same time was when we went to My Kitchen. It's this really fancy resto next to Paco Park. I was told that they sold the best Italian food in Manila, so I was all, "Hey let's eat there". And as we sat down at our tables, being the only non-adults in the room, we were shocked when we turned and opened the menus. My brain was screaming, "I need an adult! We need an adult!"

So the price of getting to taste the best Italian food in Manila did not come cheap. What we did was we drank a lot of lemon-water and had dessert. Since Steph wanted to try out the cannoli, that's what we ordered. When we got to eating the three cannolis, we were practically scraping crumbs and whipped cream off our plates. It was really good, but then I think our wallets were crying. We were really supposed to have XXXL siopaos somewhere, for 4 times less the price of the cannoli.

At least some good actually came from this. I used TREAT YO SELF as a topic for when I did my final air check as a finalist. Basically, it's about you spending a day treating yourself once a year. So me and Steph made this really awesome plan: to have a term end TREAT YO SELF for the both of us. We're gonna start a huge fund for December, for when we get all pampered up and try to order more food when we go back to My Kitchen. Next time, we'll be so ready next time- we'll come prepared!

So we had plans and got to finish chores today! Also got to meet a new person, a funny new person from all the last minute spontaneous decisions. I totally dig how he's so random and how his name sounds so cool. Also walking. Walking is so much fun if you lace arms with a person you care so much about. Or if you guys try to find ways to hold hands, because one person's just so short.

Still find it amazing how we can act like lovers, but can stay as bfffffffffs no matter what. Thank Gerard I avoided a worst case scenario of awkwardness and not-closeness if ever she did accept to the 7 day relationship with me. I cannot imagine ever breaking her heart now, especially since we're so close. Like she said, she's enjoying the benefits and my loving minus the relationship. Cannot imagine a day without her now:> Something I'm glad I won't be regretting anytime soon.

The only evidence of a super awesome day. My better half ♥

- >:)

p.s. Today I wrote a song, and tried to put in music. I'll keep trying.

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