Monday, September 24, 2012

you mean like the f- word?

I think I'll start saying that every time someone says, "Swear!".

If you're a Sindac kid then you usually spend the Sundays hearing mass, then heading over to your grandparents' house for lunch and then it's either you go home or you hit the nearest mall and watch a movie. We were lucky enough to get the option of watching a movie. I really didn't want to go home right away. It meant that I had to clean my room. Which I wasn't really keen on doing anytime soon.

Yeah, I know. I am a lazy bum. I'll figure where to sleep when it's like12 in the morning. In the meantime I'd rather watch a movie.

We were supposed to watch Dredd, but I asked dad if we can watch ParaNorman instead. Dad was really pushing for us to watch the former, but even if it was this really cool movie I doubt me and my sibling would've really enjoyed since we had no idea what the movie was about. Even if it looked so badass and jam-packed with action based off the trailer. Screw us or whatevs for not knowing about Dredd, but we're really uncool and dorky in our own rights. At least we ain't posers.

And turns out the movie had an R-16 rating, meaning my two bros wouldn't be able to watch. So we really had no choice but to go with my suggestion and watch ParaNorman. No way in the hey hey will I watch The Mistress. Le gross.

We had like an hour and something something minutes before the show starts so we headed straight to Toys R Us. I laugh at how me and my siblings are such babies sometimes. Ced brought his new lightsaber toy so I had to hide it under my shirt so we wouldn't be accused of stealing when we entered the store. It was kind of obvious so I had to do a "thief technique" by tucking it in my back, like it was under my shirt but inside my shorts. I don't know if your mental picture's right, but it's not as bad as it sounds. But I did have a lightsaber down my back... so it was pretty hard for me to walk around.

I don't know why, but Ced started getting addicted to Star Wars. I mean, my whole fam (okay maybe not mom) has this special place in our hearts reserved for Star Wars feels. It's all thanks to our dad and super geek tita, but it was still funny when Ced started asking us to have marathons with him. He's nine years old and wasn't even born yet when were already having lightsaber fights and trying to grow out our hair for side braids ala apprentice style. The generation gap is so obvious, but it's cool that we have a new thing that we can all relate to as siblings. That and we need to have another Naruto movie marathon. I am solely responsible for my brothers' geeking out over Naruto as well, and I take full responsibility for it.

So we basically just act like complete dorks whenever we come upon a toy section that we hearted. You can only imagine how I was when I saw the Ben 10 display and when I discovered that there was actually a display of BMX. I wish I were in Japan. I want the real BMX, the one that you have to assemble and you can use it to fight and rule the world- just like the evil people did in the anime. But sadly, this is the Philippines. I would just have to make do with the figurines.

Because I will always be part of the Dark Side.... I heard they had cookies..
LBX ♥ 
Spent my summer falling in love with Emperor M2. I think I died inside when this got destroyed during the anime. But I think I died even moar when I saw the price of this baby. I am le poor. Someone make me happy and get me this beautiful BMX

Was shocked when I saw these. My heart broke when I saw Marceline's figurine....
Please. Original AT merch? Yes, please.

Whuuut. Jake what happened to your bombastic personality?

It's a sparkle unicorn! Totally buying this because it has an "S" on it's butt >:)

Might go back here on Thursday. I have fantastic plans. I think I can get enough moolah to actually buy a lightsaber. Yes. I am eighteen years old and will but that lightsaber. Because of perfectly good reasons. One, I am going to buy it for Friday; two, so that me and Ced can be dorks together (I told you I was all jelly over him having one) aaaand three, so I can be the really cool older sister come Friday.

So what was happening on Friday? Well, Arielle Sindac has a special A rank mission. She must babysit a brother and get free food. And ride the freaking Octopus. So yes, in order for the mission to be successful a ninja must be equipped with a lightsaber. It's for the bb boys to go all, "Woaahhh" and "Ced, is that your sister? Why is she so cool?" and this is where I answer, "Dude... I'm like totally uncool."


ParaNorman was freaking cool!:D Turned out better than I expected. I am totally digging Norman's character. He's like the kid I always wished I could be back when I was trying to convert to Wiccan and had tons of witchcraft books. He may have been the outcast at school for having too much zombie memorabilia and the ability to communicate with ghosts? But I would have seriously given my right lung if I was just like him when I was a kid. And the quotes from the movie, man. Seriously funny. I think I was laughing the whole time. Also this movie is kind of like Adventure Time, in how it's not really just meant for kids. You have to watch the movie to get why =))

I heart Halloween kid movies, because they are adorable and I will forever be afraid of horror movies. I am too much of a carrot to actually really enjoy movies like that for I have an overactive imagination and I might just dream myself some creepy old lady or slasher crazy person in my dreamworld. Nu-uh dude, my dreamworld is reserved for my crushes and like, burritos. Yeah, burritos.

Speaking of Halloween, cannot wait for the Halloween party at my STC friend's place! My hair is not even of Marceline proportions, but I cannot wait to try and dress up like her. I mean, it's way different than trying to channel her badass personality with what I wear on a daily basis. But not everyone can rock an axe-bass and float everywhere. So yeah. Halloween.

Will start a vegan diet. Again. I really need the vegan powers. I shall be a ninja with vegan powers.

And commit cannibalism by eating fellow carrots.

I've also been trying to expand my taste in music. Now I am in love with local beat tapes.

- >:)


Seriously. Will seriously start bringing my camera. I need photographic evidence of my adventurin's.

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