Thursday, September 27, 2012


I'm so used to not sleeping during regular hours. I'd probably call it a night when it was already too late for that, because it was already morning. It's weird how I don't sleep when I'm supposed to, but get so sleepy when I have to stay awake. Gaaahh. School shizz.

Today, I was supposed to buy a lightsaber. The LRT died on me and I was forced to take a jeep home. The trip made me realize one thing... It's that I love the LRT. That no matter how I feel like a sardine in a can, when it smells like butt and armpit late at night and when dudes don't give up their seat to the weirdo with huge glasses just because she doesn't look like she's off female descent? You really cannot find a faster way to commute from point A to B. I think my butt died from sitting down for so long. If I'm correct, it took almost 2 hours just to get home. Whenever I rode the train it took me 45 minutes tops from Roosevelt to Vito Cruz. I will never complain again.

Unless someone kills herself by jumping off the platform and getting run over by a train.

The only reason I wasn't dying of boredom was because I sorta kidnapped someone's best dude friend, just so that I wouldn't be by myself when I commuted home. I also got to "DJ" for the night and have my own special show called: SAWI SPECIAL. I had a special guest named The Hamster. And he was the best air drummer ever.

The trip was long and hard, and the traffic made it worse. But I got to pick songs for le broken hearted boys who can't seem to move on. Good guys always get burned so bad. Why them Lord? Whyyy? They're so adorable and such cuties? Why make them suffer?

The Hamster was a good sport. Also he didn't hate me when I made the biggest fail I could ever make: Playing Mr. Brightside and then suddenly turning the song into You and Me. Seriously. Arielle, seriously? If I did that on air I was screwed for life.

So yeah. It was too late to get a lightsaber since it was almost 9 in the evening when I got home. I'm really psyched for tomorrow, but the lightsaber was supposed to help me get Ate points. Oh well, I guess my Jake the Bag will have to do.

The universe is conspiring something. I can feel it.

Or maybe it's being a dear and not making me spend moolah. Hmmm...

- >:)

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