Monday, July 30, 2012

June 30

I’m tired. I want to forget everything if I could. It’s not me hating on someone. It’s just me being tired of getting hurt. I’m tired of always having to act like I’m okay, that everything’s just a joke. But it’s not.

It’s really hard to forget someone who you thought was an important part of your life. That every waking moment you had you’d rather spend with that person. It may sound silly, stupid, crazy… but it happened. I’d like to believe that everyone goes through this stage. This stage of the like. Where I’d wait for that person to greet me good morning, to text me. Wait for that occasional call. Where sometimes we’d hang out on our free time. Sometimes I’d get the most random things from that person. We’d go on “adventures”. We'll watch something together, and we wouldn't have to be in the same room to do it. Also we’d just sit at one of our hangouts, and just do nothing but talk about life in general. It was nice, you know. Having someone care, having someone make you feel that you were worth spending so much amount of time for.

It may have seemed like a wonderful thing, something that was actually special. In truth it wasn’t. I was just blinded by how everything seemed to be so dazzling and beautiful when I looked at what we did in that light.
Like for example, how sneaking around became thrilling and exciting. It wasn’t any of that at all. It was supposed to be scary, twisted and wrong. But somehow my brain kept telling me, hey this just seems like a movie. Oh hey, this is really different- this is great.
Like every time we’d try to get away, or find a way to meet in secret, unconsciously I thought it was something that all the Disney films I’ve ever watched made me consider that hey, this just seems like another adventure. That this is love. This is me being with a prince or whatever.


In my subconscious it was something good, fun- something that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Instead of feeling grossed out and disgusted with myself, my brain just made my body do the exact opposite. Actually made me enjoy it- made me think I should. It was far too late before I realized the damage I’ve done, not only to myself, but to everything else.


Today is June 30, 2012. I don’t know if that person remembers it, but last year, on the same day, this was the first time we actually ever got to talk. Nothing serious. It was just the day he started to text me. It’s so weird how it’s already been a year since that happened. I’d like to say that I’m not affected by this, but if I did then I wouldn’t be saying the entire truth.

It's been a year, but even if things did change somethings still remain no matter how I try not to think about it that way. That Adventure Time will be and would always be our show (I told him first about it). Where I'd still think about that person whenever I watched Captain America, it was the first movie we watched together. How fries was our favorite food. That the 9th floor of this building was like our secret meet-up place and the 2nd floor of this other building was a hangout I stole from him- 'cause I called dibs. That he stole my first kiss at the library. And then I slapped him because I was saving if for someone else. That Marry Me was his song that made him think of me, while Stigmatize would be my song that would make me think of him. That when I see a watermelon I'd remember the name of our fruit-child: Bruce. That there were awkward silences, that lead to awkward hand holding sessions, that lead to embarrassing moments we'd laugh off. Or car rides that always seemed so short and sometimes I just didn't want to go down. And there was this one time, during the typhoon season, he texted me asking if his "asawa" was okay.

They're just stupid things. Things I'd rather forget. Things that shouldn't be special, at all, but somehow became what they are now. Even if it does seem stupid, they did mean something before. Maybe they still mean something else now, I'm just not sure what. There are a lot of other things, but I can't seem to remember them. 

Maybe before the complications of liking someone, before the weirdness of it all, just maybe we could have been really good friends- best friends even. Because that was how it started. Maybe for me. For that person, I really have no idea. I’d like to say that somehow I do miss that person, that a part of me still does, despite everything. Miss the person he was with me, when I was around and no one else. I’d like to think that somehow I made this real difference to this person who maybe didn’t care at all, and just saw me as something else.

But maybe it’s just my brain telling me the exact opposite of what I should do. 


Friday, July 20, 2012

on a comic kick

2012 is obviously the year of the comic. We've got superheroes coming from the pages of comic books to the big screen. There was Avengers, the Amazing Spider-man came next and now the Dark Knight Rises is already showing on theaters . And what else can you do to show your love than wearing it on your sleeve- literally. 

There was Hot Topic that sold superhero apparel, Tokidoki and Folded and Hung did the same when they teamed up with Marvel. Of course people would want to be able to buy clothes at a more reasonable price, so sooner or later mass produced t-shirts of the superheroes' logos start popping out of nowhere. What is it that makes these comic icons so wearable?

The latest superhero inspired collection comes from Lazy Oaf. The UK based street wear label collaborated with DC comics to come up with fresh, funky and superhero-cool designs. A Batman themed collection that's both for dudes and chicks! 

I'm really digging how they were able to incorporate the old Batman logos and at the same time make something out of the simplicity of the bat design. And to tell you the truth, I'm actually hearting the men's collection more because of the sweatshirts so by default the men's collection wins. I liked these three tops for the women's collection tho. Also hey! Batman backpack!

I also got to see pictures off the Lazy Oaf blog where they featured a sneak peak into this super fantastic party. The entry was entitled BATSHITCRAY and the launch party for the collection? It looked so fun and yes, crazy. I heart, heart the party theme and maybe one day can maybe throw theme parties such as this one. Photobooths + Batman masks + Batman everything + mini catwalk + balloons + popcorn? Win. Also they have a bat booth! It's for the DJs to do their thing.

Seriously crossing my fingers that the world doesn't end, so that I can still go to London next year and get one of these unique pieces. Also I need more luck, I seriously have to watch Dark Knight Rises like now. I've been this crazy Batman baby every since Batman Begins and seeing Christian Bale on the big screen will tame my crazy fangirl heart. 

- >:) 

the best things in life

...are worth P145!

One of the things off the What Makes Arielle Sindac Smile list- Congee!

I kid, I kid. That's the price of a real sweet bowl of Lean Meat and Century Egg Congee, with an extra order of century eggs. I put a pregnant woman and her cravings to shame whenever the weather gets like this. Where you just want a cup of hot chocolate, or a real nice comforter to wrap yourself in to make you look like a human slug. Aaaaand you can be just like me, someone who used to boycott Chinese food, but loves congee too much to say no (Real story tho. I got "food poisoned" when I went to LA last year. Didn't have Chinese for half the year. I shizz you not).

So as you can probably guess, I'm pigging out alone for lunch. Which I totally deserve, okay? Considering I need to boost up what's left of my self-esteem and ego after what I went through. Insert horror movie background music here. Dun-dun-dun-duuuuun!! Applying for a driver's license.

Oh sure. How easy is that, you'd probably say. But think again. This is the Philippines. 

When I was taking the written exam, there taped up to the wall right next to where I sat was a sign that read: "Having a driver's license is not a right, it is a privilege". It was along those lines anyway. I wasn't really paying attention since I was still thinking of how much important things I've missed out on because of doing this. Since my parents wanted me to get my license today, I had no choice but to obey. 

I've had a mean streak lately, being all rude and screechy whenever I get nagged by either one of them. The life of probably every angst-filled teenager.  

So despite me almost failing at parking during the actual driving test, I still can't believe how much I've invested on this little plastic card when I was done. Having driving lessons during the summer, having to listen to a sleep inducing boring as hay hay lecture, the stupid drug test. Sheesh.

Here's to me being legal, being allowed to drive, BUT not being able to drive to school and not being given a car to drive with. Hey, at least I learned how to, right?

Whatevs, I'd rather much learn how to drive on The Streets, not only because that's how my dad and his awesome driver/bodyguard learned how. It also sounds way cooler and a hell lot of gangsta when you say it, "I learned how.. from duuuh streetzzz" 

Boooyah! Jester's dead!

- >:)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

trust me I'm okay

So I'm not sure if I'm even supposed to post my pictures from the shoot last Friday. 'Cause the super cool photographer who took these shots tagged me on fb yesterday afternoon, but by the time I came home late in the evening the pictures were gone. Le gasp!

I'm glad I got to save my own copy, just in case the people responsible for editing and the whole shebang that goes with promoting the DJ Hunt finalists were to choose a picture I wasn't particularly fond of. Ha.

So here I am dressed like a "survivor", which goes with the whole Hunger Games, fight to the finish, odds in your favor theme they're going for. That day I wore my fave My Chem shirt (my lucky shirt, I guess. I'm a dude so I don't mind wearing the same thing over and over again), a tight mini skirt that I borrowed from my awesome sister (again, always, thank youuuuuu ate! You the best yo) and my red iris Kickers boots, which was a b-day gift from mom. They told us to bring make up and survivor-ish accessories, bandannas or headbands and the like. So I decided to just wear this army jacket that used to be my sister's ROTC uniform. I added Naruto pins, an Army pin I got from the Air and Space museum last year and a "What Would Stark Do?" pin that I got during BU3.

I also had to have my face painted with... well, face paint. Remember during my last post that I made a new friend last Friday? She suggested that someone should have a David Bowie thunderbolt drawn on their face. And I was thinking, Yeah, someone should. So we had matchy matchy Bowie bolts- she got red on her right, while I got blue for my left. It was really rock and roll.

The whole time I was thinking, Channel Way! Channel Way! I was trying to channel Gerard Way, my idol for almost everything. He's supposed to be this socially retarded dude of awkwardness, but no apparently not. He's a diva on stage and when he models or poses for photoshoots he looks dashing. No, wait. He looks glamorous. That's a little to Adam Lambert, but you get my point? He just knows how to rock it and his hair kind of does all the work for him. Being naturally wavy and messy in this I-just-rolled-out-of-bed-this-morning look. Or the I-didn't-take-a-bath-today look.

So here I am, trying so very hard to look awesome. But sadly, my lips looked funny, the outline of my tummy could be seen because of my shirt bunching up in all the places aaaaand my hair wasn't doing the flippy thing it usually does after I roll it in a bun. But other than that, I'm totally digging my Bowie make up and my lame-o "DOUBLE L" hand signs.

This was actually my first shot. And out of the three, this one was my favorite.
If you didn't notice, I'm doing my DOUBLE L hand sign. Yup, I am so weird :))

Here I am saying, 'Sup dudes, check out my tummy and my weird lips. Cringe

This one was... okaaaay. Liking how the army jacket looks because of the light.

Monday, tomorrow evening marks my debut as a DJ. A legit one, 'cause the one back in STC was sort of a joke (I learned from the experience. One, know what the soundboard is, two, the principal can hear the songs your playing, and three? Make sure you get clean versions of your songs aaaand always make sure the sound levels are appropriate for the right listeners. So huh. I guess, thank you STC?). So if anyone actually reads what I write, then it will mean a lot to me if you guys could just listen to the Green Light District from 7:30 to 9:00 in the evening. Catch me on Monday or Wednesday, whenever I'm supposed to be on air. My voice might sound weird? But it usually does. Wish me luck. 'Cause I'm really nervous and anxious and shiz.

And we were also told that the title of DJ was earned so I have to go by Finalist Arielle whenever I go on air. I wanted to be Finalist Lee or Finalist Smith tho. Oh well:))

Listen to the Green Light District from 7:30-9:00 PM on Green Giant FM's site:

- >:)


Started an "UMSS and UHHHSS" jar. Like a swear jar, but I have to pay a peso whenever I say "um" or "uhh" :)) So far I have P15. I suck.

Friday, July 13, 2012

almost famous

Or so I'd like to believe.

I thought having only four days of school was the coolest thing ever, and that Fridays were supposed to be my rest day. Apparently, my Fridays went all out ninja on me and never allowed me to sleep in again.

It's tiring having to drag yourself out of bed when your mind says, "Noooo, it's the flipping weekend!". But hey, it's totally worth it.

So all I can say is that starting next week I'll be at school until 9 pm during Mondays and Wednesdays. And that by next week Wednesday I'd have already passed a "simulation" project. I've got to step up my game and be more responsible. Homeworks? Should be done by Saturday morning at the earliest.

But for now, this is my new friend. She's a super cool rocker/good student. And hey, she's also a Theresian.

 Matching David Bowie lightning bolts, her idea :) We look so badass

Aaaannd I think all dudes should act gay on a daily basis. Not for dissing but for a good case of the funny.

Beating the heat but at the same time looking fierce. Hahaha this dude is crazy funny

Can't wait to see how my pictures from the photoshoot turned out. Also I'm craving for a huge ass bowl of congee. With extra orders of century egg on the side. Chinese restos do deliveries at almost midnight, right?


- >:)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Almost. Maybe.

Picture this. Back in grade 4, which was eight years ago, I was the scrawny kid. The one who always knew random things, read The Adventures of Tintin and the comic section from newspapers at the library- the one who was always alone. And I mean literally, that forever alone kid. There would be random days when I'd hang with different people, but I never stuck to anyone (thinking about this now, I only started being legit best friends with Kit was when we were in grade 5). It was sad. But that was how things were if you talked in English, spoke Tagalog with a funny accent and wrong grammar and was too childish. I was that loser kid you never wanted to be, because I just never seemed to fit in with any of the cliques.

One thing I will never, ever forget was when we had this general assembly for our batch. We were at the gym and then suddenly there's this song that starts playing. Of course, everyone starts singing in unison.
As a kid I was stuck listening to my parents' music and my yayas' renditions of boy band singles. So obviously, I didn't know the song. I already felt so alone, but this. This was another level of aloneness.

I felt so... horrible. Worse than when my phone was stolen or when I accidentally hugged some random stranger because I thought he was my dad. 

That totally turned my life around. I vowed that I would never, ever experience being left out because of my music choices ever again.

I love Disney songs, Classical music, Joey Ayala, OPM classics: APO Hiking, Eraserheads, Yano, Rivermaya, Joey Ayala and Parokya ni Edgar; The Beatles and musicals we listened to as kids. I will always be thankful for and will never question my dad's music tastes. But back then as an angst-filled preteen, the only thing on my mind was fitting in. 

So I turned on the radio. And I listened, and listened, and listened. And listened.

In a few months time, I could easily pick up lyrics, I new the latest songs and bands. And surprisingly, though I still don't know how it happened or how the transition happened, I became famous or "popular" to a certain extent.

I've been listening since 2004 and still listen to the radio on my commute and anytime I'm not listening to my cds and music I find on the internet. It was like you hit the shuffle on your ipod, 'cause you'd be listening to pop first and then suddenly some hip hop track and then they'd be playing electro-whatevs next. And don't get me started on when I listen to alternative music on different channels. Call me old school, but that's kind of how I rolled.

Being a DJ has become this default dream job for me, especially if you're a kid who listened to the radio 24/7. You get really inspired by the voices bouncing off your speakers, your earphones and at some point want to have their life. Playing music, going to events, being famous. That's really how I envisioned the whole DJ lifestyle.

I auditioned for the DLSU's Green Giant DJ hunt last Friday. Coincidentally, it was also my birthday. 

The whole experience was pretty much intense. I sucked at impromptu and the part where they made you read something. What was scary was when they made me sing. 

But other than that, they asked me a lot of Adventure Time questions and a Which world would you want to live in? Harry Potter's or the Hunger Games question (Harry Potter duh) and the judges seemed serious but deep down just wanted to scare the banaynays out of me.

I resigned myself to the thought that I wouldn't make it. But I still listened to the announcement they did only a few hours ago. They actually announced that a "Carmelline" made it as a DJ. I freaked out, double checked the name and found out it wasn't me. So I stopped listening and just decided that I'll be better off in the Creatives pool of the radio station.

Only to find out a few minutes after I logged out of Green Giant's site.. that I actually made the cut-off.
I was just shocked. Same feeling when I made it as a Theresian DJ and a bandfest emcee back in fourth year. Totally unexpected. Seriously. Funny how life turns out for the underdog? I was in a bad mood today, but life happens.

Life happened on TWITTER and then on FB

To quote a statement from one of my brother's dance shirts: "TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED". 

I've got midterm exams for my major on Wednesday and I have to prove myself worthy of having the title of DJ. I still have a long way to go, but here's to chances and here's to trying.

- >:)


1 of the 30 out of 200 + who auditioned. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 18: make a wish

I've always been a firm believer of wishes, magic, the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Call me childish, but that's kind of what happens to you when you have this banaynay crazy imagination. Also I've been raised with Disney films and fairy tales, received moolah under my pillow for molars and has had gifts in sacks from Santa every year. I may not look it anymore, but I believe. Still believe.

Turning 18 shouldn't be a huge deal. Age is just a number, that's what everyone says, and hey it kinda really is but just a number.

I've been reading February Flowers and this quote from the book just seemed perfect for my coming of age:

"When you're out alone, you need to make deciscions for yourself. Don't always expect other people to understand and approve of your choices in life."

- February Flowers; Fan Wu

I like being 17, it's a cool sounding number. One of the coolest sounding ages ever. There's 12 and duh 13. 15 because 14 is lame. And then when you get to say sweet sixteen, just because. So yeah. 17 sounds awesome.

Being 17 taught me a lot of things, got a lot of memories to add to my crazy list. Some funny, some emo (as always), some really painful and some I'd rather forget. You go through life sometimes taking it too seriously, forgetting that there's always more than just that one moment. That there is such thing as regrets, but these are important because even if you feel miserable or feel like the worse, or maybe even haunt you for the rest of your life. But whatevs, man. It's what you do after, because in the end all that's in the past and everyday is another chance for you to make things right. To do things your way, to live the way you want.

Living with this fear of not being accepted for who I was has always been something that's haunted me since I can remember. I was that emo kid, I was this weird girl who did nothing but draw all the time. But to heck with what people think of me, right? I am my own person, and people may not like it but this is me. So touche to your asses all you haters. Today's my day.

I have this habit of making 11:11 wishes. So I made my last 11:11 wish as a 17 year old.

Here's to another year filled with adventures!

- >:) 


I'm going to regret this in a few hours. This. The whole staying up late!  =)) Cramming my creative resume. Putting this down, so just in case we actually survive and there's a 2013 then my future self will laugh. And laugh.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

day: 11-17 shenanigans rolled into one post

I know it's not excuse that I was too busy, but i haven't been able to post about my 17 going on 18 project for the past few days. I've been doing everything though, I didn't have get enough pictures, but I still did everything for day 11 to 17. So the thing is I'm going to put in all seven days' worth of events crammed in one post. You have been warned, this is going to be a really, really, really long one.

11- Plant a tree
12- Treat yourself
13- Go to an event
14- Burrito day
15- Clothes swap
16- Meet up with an old friend
17- Get artsy

Day 11

Technically, I didn't get to plant a tree. But I have mongo seeds in a plastic cup. Which sort of counts... But why plant a tree in the first place you ask? Well, I had a Filipino teacher who told me that the three things you should do before you die are to write a book, plant a tree and to have a baby. Seeing as I can write at a book but at the same time cannot have it published, also biological fact that I can have a baby but choose not to because... well, duh. So I'm left with only one option and that is to plant a tree. The task's supposed to be really simple, but when I got around to doing the actual planting? It turned out to be almost impossible because of my daily routine. 

I had to go to school, and yeah I know. Excuses. But where was I supposed to at least find a plant during my daily commute? Also my parents had our tree cut down... so yeah. Planting one in the backyard would be impossible as well.

So I went old school, and I mean literally went old school when I say this. Back in grade school kind of old school. Yeah.

We used to have this experiments on the growth of mongo seeds- I'm sure every Filipino kid's probably going to end up taking care of a couple of mongo seeds in a plastic cup with a little cotton bit on the bottom. Pretty simple task. Just wet the cotton once or twice a day, leave the cup outside for a bit of sun. And before you know it the monggo seed's already sprouted some seeds.

Obviously, a stem and more leaves are going to sprout sooner or later. So yeah. 

I would have been easier if I had been taking care of a plant from the start. Except that I left my cactus plant giveaway from my best friend's debut at her place. A cactus is definitely my kind of plant. I wouldn't have to even bother with water and sunlight. I'd just leave it on my desk and make itself look pretty.

But seriously, if we're talking save the environment here, I believe everyone- and I mean everyone, should have their own plant to take care off. Sort of better than a pet and a baby. No poop, no mess. Just water and sunlight. Talking to the plant is still kind of optional, but totally minus all the hassle of taking care of other living beings. Just saying.

So yeah. Mongo seeds in a cup.

Day 12

Treating myself was pretty easy. I just bought myself macha milk tea from Taroshii. Hehe.

It was a Friday, so I wasn't supposed to go to school. Except that I was supposed to have my neophyte's orientation and general assembly for my org on that day, so I had no choice but to get my butt to DLSU.

It was cool, no wait. It was groovy! That was the theme and since it's an advertising org they literally took us back retro style. I really enjoyed and everyone was just so hilarious. Also became friends right away with with 1/3 of the 1-2-3 triplet's blockmate Joshie. Not his real name or his real nickname, but it's a combination of Josh and shortie. Lol I'm mean, but it was like he was so high all the time. I kid you not, he is too funny for words.

Left the general assembly early, missed out on pizza and more laughs. My ma got our driver to get us tickets to the premiere of The Amazing Spider-man, and I could NOT miss this for anything. Me and Cajo have been geeking out over the trailers since forever, we were practically tingling with excitement. And I mean, literally dramatic, loud, geek out convos whenever we bumped into each other at home.

So this movie is something we've been always been looking out for, obviously we'd have high expectations for this new Spider-man movie. This was a pretty big deal for the both of us, and we wanted everything to be awesome as well. I made my own green tea frappe and Cajo was in charge of microwaving popcorn. We really hate the popcorn sold in cinemas, especially the Taters popcorn. It's always so stale aaaand home-made popcorn is always the best popcorn.

We were so weird. We were carrying little brown baggies filled with popcorn. We were also very, very loud. The whole time the movie was rolling we just kept geeking out, saying WHOAAA and then talking about the comic. Worse people to sit next to in the cinema, I bet people within a 5 radius from where we were seated was annoyed as heck. We just really loved the movie. It was super awesome. Awesome cast, awesome new Spider-man (Andre Garfield Y U SO ADORBS?), awesome fight scenes and awesome humor. But the effects? Ehhhh.... We went emo over the effects.

Seriously, the effects! That awkward move that Peter Parker did when he first saved the ball with his new spidey reflexes. Me and Cajo went, Whuuuuut?? God, we're the worse.

Day 13

I didn't know what happened, but apparently mom was in such a good yesterday that she actually allowed me to go to The Bookworm Brigade even on such short notice. I saw the invite for the coolest event for bookworms on facebook and I knew I definitely had to go as well.

The Bookworm Brigade is an event that was started by Jonver DavidCarizza Anna and John Leynard Palteng. Good friends who shared the same interests in fashion and their love for a good read.

The event would start at 11 am and it was also difficult to commute to Maginhawa. So it was just perfect timing that my ma had pilates lesson at UP that day, so I knew I could get to spend time with her and at the same time go to the event. It was traffic along C.P. Garcia, but I still was the first to arrive. I got a free bookmark and Jonver said that he "geeked out" 'cause I was the first to arrive and I wasn't even a close friend of his. He was such a cutie when he said it with matching hand gestures:) 

The whole thing was just rad. I got to treat my mom to milk tea and I get to check out books and meet new people. The dudes who organized the event were just so down to earth, approachable and were so nice. I got to talk with another bookworm/online seller of old books. I was shocked at this new me. Usually, I 'd just be emo and not talk to people. This sudden change in character, not being anti-social, it was different. But it was good different.

I also was invited to a friend's debut. I had to bake cupcakes, 'cause that was my default bday gift, 'cause I'm bad at thinking of what gifts to give people. I was late-ish, the invite said to come at 7. I was an hour late, but usually parties like this started late, so I still made it. Getting lost was one reason for my late arrival, but the weather and the traffic was worse. To think that we'd be fetching my dad and brothers from the airport later that evening.

Anyway, I had fun. Everyone of my close friends from my block were all dressed up and all formal-looking. All the dudes wore suits and they all looked very smart-especially my two bros:)
The debutantes, twins,  looked amazing! They and the rest of their family were just adorable. They sang, danced and performed a skit. Hands down, the cutest 

The giveaway was just brilliant! What's a debut without a photo booth set up just for the guests to make silly faces, wear crazy hats and strike poses? But instead of a normal photo booth picture, you'd get a booklet as a souvenir. It was like those tiny drawings I did on the corner of my textbooks when I was bored, that if I flipped the pages of my book really fast I'd have an amateur animation of a stickman doing the cartwheel or something ridiculous that involved a stickman.

I really wanted one with my H3O dudes, but wasn't able to because I was fetched early. Too bad 'cause Hipster boy wanted us to do a 007 pose, with gun fingers and all. I had to settle for a normal picture. It was hilarious 'cause he was still mad at Rectorizer and still refused to talk to him. So I had to force them to take pictures with me.

That night, my dad and brothers were coming back from the U.S. It was incredible being together as a family again. What was more incredible was the pasalubong I got from their trip.

I got MCR shirts, a ViVi magazine, a button down from Urban Outfitters. But the best thing I got was an Adventure Time backpack! It was the bestest 'cause it was an irreversible one. So I could have Finn as my backpack and Jake as well. Perfect for my adventures;)

Day 14

It was a lazy Sunday. Period.

We had to do chores; we greeted ma's foster parents when she first went to Manila a Happy 50th Anniversary, we delivered a bday gift for Ced's best friend and then we went to mass.

After mass we ate at Mexicali. I got the El Gordo burrito. Glob it, I was so Jake that day. But burritos are the best! Next to fries that is.

Day 15

Got to visit my beffie, 'cause she didn't have classes on Mondays (lucky girl). I read from this teen magazine that a way to get new clothes when you're running out of things to wear for school and moolah to spend for clothes was to clothes swap. You take a clothes from your closet that you think you wont need in a long time and swap it with your friend's clothes.

Since me and my best friend are practically sisters, known each other for 12 years, then sharing clothes wouldn't be a problem.

I got new clothes for the week, 'cause we both only had four days of school every week. So I started thinking that maybe I could turn this into a weekly thing. Food for thought, but at least I'd have new threads to wear now that we both have extended closets.

Also got to talk about life in general and borrow another book from their awesome collection. Borrowed February Flowers, something I've read before but it would be nice to have a new book to read during my commute.

Day 16

The weather was horrible! 

I wore my Dr Martens, dressed like a rock girl but still went to school. Only to find out that classes was suspended after 12 just as I was taking a breather. Sheesh DLSU.

Got to meet up with an old friend from high school. She was the nicest person I knew back then, and she still is. She bought cupcakes from me and gave me my birthday gift. She also asked me to design the banner that she was going to use for her debut! Of course I was all, Yeeeees! I'll do it! 

I miss my STC people. I wish I'd get the chance to visit UST soon.

Day 17

I literally had to go all out artsy because I had to make a creative resume for the neophyte interview for Friday. I was running out of creative juice and the mojo to just draw/doodle crazy. For one thing, I seriously had no idea on what to do for my creative resume. It's an advertising org so it should wow people, right? 

The only thing I can think of was how I could just make something like my D-I-Y planner, but instead as a D-I-Y creative resume. Gahaha I am so uncreative.

I've been working on it non-stop, but I can't just drop everything for this project. Gaaaaahh. First thing to do when I turn 18: SET MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.

- >:)