Thursday, June 21, 2012

day 4: join an org

This was probably the most spontaneous thing on the list. Well, so far.

I've never actually joined an org at school, even when I was a frosh last year. I just didn't feel the need to belong to anything. It had everything to do with my loathing of the school and also the thought that I was gonna bust my way out of that university and go find one where I wouldn't have to go all out Spartan war mode just to get to school. I blame the transit system.

But that dark period of school-hate is over now. Thank god. So I decided to join an org today and it wasn't even one that was affiliated with my course. I joined this Advertising org called AdCreate Society, my batchmate from STC who's a member said I should join and she's got this really cool calling card, it had a camera design. And I guess... I just wanted a calling card? I am so weird.

I had to have my photo taken and of all the days to wear uncomfortable clothes (it had 'New York' on it. Didn't realize the shirt looked funny until I wore it. Seriously Arielle. Seriously). Embarrassing, but I got through it. Besides, I thought, I didn't know anyone. Except I met an alumni of STC, who actually knew who I was. Well. Who I was. Emphasis on the was because she knew who I was back when I used to sport anime hair. God the horror. I can only imagine what she thinks of me now. But she's cool, nice people rock my socks. Seriously.

So anyway, this is my application kit :-bd Heart the pirates theme they got going.

My messy bed + random things on said bed + super cool pirate themed org application kit

 Bruce the turtle ♥

Also I have to go to school tomorrow to submit my application form. Sheesh. Going to school.. On a Friday.

- >:)


Me and Cajo bought a turtle:) We finally decided on calling it Skip! Going to post pictures of our amphibian tomorrow.

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