In my previous post I was raving about how excited I was about how my Friday was going to be the best ever. I had fantastic plans. But yeah, sometimes fantastic plans don't always go the way you want them to, no matter how much you try. And try.
I woke up late. So I wasn't able to bake cupcakes for the BAMF and it also meant that I didn't get to commute to school with the coolest Hamster in the world. The LRT ride was sad and lonely and without the funny I was expecting. Oh well, I know there will be more days to come. I will ride the train with him and have another Sawi Special, but like the morning edition. It's going to be crazy, I can tell. I have to get a decent alarm clock.
So fantastic plans, right? I at least got to have bfast with my homie. It was so early in the morning, still wasn't ready for public viewing. But yeah, he's my homie. I could look like a dude and he wouldn't care less. Bfast was from McDo and even if I weren't trying to increase my vegan powers I know I'd still pick fries. (But my perfect bfast meal from McDo would be: 1-2 Egg McMuffin/s + hashbrown/fries + hot chocolate. I couldn't have the burger because, le duh egg and cheese and ham and maybe even the bread was so not vegan. I really wanted hot chocolate to go with my fries, but I didn't want to risk getting de-veganized. I was reluctant about ordering hot coco because you never know it might just have milk. So fries it was then)
Since Friday was so darn special, or since it turned out to be so darn special I feel like sharing one of my fave spots in school. It's one of around 5 spots where I really go to spend time to ponder on life's mysteries and why I am so weird with my feels and spreading the emo. I also go here when I just need to breathe. But yesterday, I just felt that this was the perfect place to have take out bfast at 8 something in the morning.
Introducing.... maestro, the Hero's Comeback theme please... my secret getaway at Yuchengco!
Welcome all ye brokenhearted and emo
So yeah, this is where me and Diego had bfast. This is also where I mostly spend my time (if I'm far far away from Enrique) if I just need to breathe, when I need a quiet place to think, when I want my emo to fly away like my hair when the wind blows in my direction.
Yesterday, the sky was just so amazing. I think I fell in love with it. I would propose, but the sky was too far away. Being married to something must involve getting to touch it. Like my bed, I am married to my bed. The sky was still beautiful. Still needs more cumulus clouds tho.
The sky I want to marry
Bfast for champions ♥
Arielle junk
#HIGHFIVEMOFO This is my homie Diego
My daddy's rubber shoes! I heart them so much. It's like they're staring at my soul
So it was me eating fries and cleaning out my bag and trying to be a homie. I was waiting for a triplet's text to tell me where she was. Another reason to why Friday was so fantastic was because I knew that I was getting my She's Only Sixteen EP. When I was finally contacted you can only imagine how fast I ran from Yuchengco to Medrano. I needed to hear them songs like crazy! It's been a week since missing out on their EP launch which was obviously epic. So yeah. Medrano.
My fave LaSallian triplet
Helping her out with Pinoy Henyo
And then finally finally finally!
Waited a week for this! Gaaaaaaah! You have no idea just how much of a happy carrot I was when this photo was taken. Seriously seriously seriously was spazzing fangirling all over the place. I even was dancing a little jig while unwrapping this lovely EP. And if you noticed, you'd see that I actually brought a walkman just to be able to listen to their songs right away. I am so old school, but whatever. It is for my ears, I am saving my ears. Too bad it went all fail as soon as I closed the cd player. When the Sena's voice started to sound like a broken record I freaked in and pressed stop. No way in the hey hey was my new baby getting scratched. So I had to put it away and wait patiently until I got home. Also it had a tiny scratch on the case, so I had to put it in my plastic envelope just to prevent more damage and EP harm. Was satisfied that I got to finish listening to Dying To Meet You anyway.
I am doing the jig here, I am shaking it and going funky waist up while unwrapping my baby
I always make it a point to read what the band has to say. This is their baby too, they put so much into making this album. The least I could do was read who they had to thank because they were responsible for their success
'Cause I'm old school, dork level
Protect le EP
Finally finished this book, borrowed it from my GLD brothaaaa. All I could say was, book > movie
The rest of the time spent at my Yuch spot was left for lying around, Diego teaching me how to dance (I suck at dancing.It is so sad, you would sweat through your eyes if you witnessed it), taking pictures and me wanting to listen to my EP.
My hot hot pink wallet + current thing that inspires me: this LSP note!
"Let's dance, mofo"
This is Chad. I don't know which bag Bruce has decided to play hide and seek in. So I am unlucky by turtle proportions
My view from the floor
Thank you and come again
Making Diego wait while I wait for the train
The rest of the day spent at school was GG related. It involves lots of practicing and me trying to sound sexy. It's hard to sound sexy, I can only sound like a dork. But whatevs, I have my guts. I can still try try try again. Also had lunch with some of the DJs and DJTs. Guess what I had? I had fries again. The only difference is that I got anorexic fries sprinkled with pepper. Got to smell the best vanilla scent ever, was able to have sips of this really delicious drink (mango and lychee, right?) and got taho for dessert. Then followed by more practicing. And anticipating. And then giving.
And then leaving. It was time to BAMF up my universe.
Same time, same place. Tayuman station was the place to be at 4:30. It's been a month since I last saw Lou, waiting a few minutes wouldn't hurt. Also I got to practice while waiting. She asked me if I was talking to myself, I said I was practicing. I let her hear a sample and she asked, "Why do you say "Giant" like that?". Hmmmm... I honestly don't know.
The train means so much to me and BAMF because it becomes a test to prove how much we love each other. That we can surpass any obstacles, even if they came in the form of lady arms, shoulder bags that were always in the way, and the ability of the female compartment to defy science. I shizz you not, I have no idea how a lot of people get out of the LRT and only one handful can barely squeeze themselves inside.What, can women expand at an alarming rate of seconds they use to keep the doors open? Women, tch. Defying science since child birth.
The train ride was crazy and filled with Lou actually shushing me for being too hyper. It was no use for I could not contain my excitement for being in her BAMF presence. Also I could not prevent my verbal/kwento vomit. She should've seen it coming, we haven't seen each other in forever and ever. It was at least a month's worth of feels and sob kwentos. Also yeah. She needs to be updated on how weird I am now, especially since I haven't been basking in her sparkle motion.
Because she is the BAMF Universe, only she can look Sasha Fierce in a an accidental flash picture. I sadly, will always have a derp face. Yeah, it's sad. I know
Excuse our being vain and lame (Vame? Lain?) in front of the train. We wanted really cool pictures inside the train, but the guard kept saying that doors were going to close in on us any second. Psh. I would've given him the finger, but yeah I was with Lou. She was like a parental advisory sticker or my censor beep. She really makes sure that she is a good influence in my already defiant way of life. So yes, this LRT is the only place I can meet up with my BAMF, it is only right that we take pictures with the thing that keeps us together.
Our destination was TriNoma, for fries and purikura. And a clean rest room with like, toiletries.
Shenanigans ensues. We really need to tame ourselves in public, but the exact opposite happens. Just knowing that we were together and within arms reach was enough to make us tough potatoes and do whatever we wanted. We knew how embarrassing we were, but being side by side to my BAMF just increased my obliviosity and I-Don't-Give-A-Fork attitude I always seem to possess when I am with STC people.
Le duh. JGL is her husband okay
Because Jack Frost, Guardians version, is the hottest. Dude, he looks like a Black Parade!Gerard Way. It's the hair, platinum blonde is sexy on dudes who can rock it
We have a pre-dinner meal after getting a purikura. Wanna know what I ate? I'll give you a clue: I've been eating it since 8 in the morning. I had fries again.I was full of fries last Friday. If I wasn't vegan then I would partner the fries in my belly with a grande burrito. But since I had vegan powers, I will make my belly happy one day by being full with burritos and fries. I also had fried bananas I purposely didn't eat. Fried bananas were like fries in a way.... ish. Just say yes.

Lou has an awesome way of eating her burgers. She puts fries and loads of ketchup in between le patty and the burger bun. She ordered curly fries today, don't really know the difference it makes with the burger. But it did look like a beautiful mess with the cheese and the patty, it looked like someone stabbed the burger. Or because the burger fell out of love or something that it's heart yanked itself from it's cold dead bod, scattering ketchup blood everywhere. The curly fries would be the intestines and guts trying to spill out from where the heart escaped.
I am so weird.
How to eat burgers BAMF style
I also owed her like cupcakes, unfortunately like I said I wasn't able to bake. So to lessen her bitterness towards my being cupcake-less I tied to make it up to her by presenting her with pastel. They were so good they worked their magic into her tummy. I couldn't help but do a mental fust pump for knowing she loved it's yema goodness. She was trying to eat as slowly as possible, I could only bring her two and not a whole box. The Sindacs loved their food too much, and they lobed their Pastel.
Pastel and it's yema goodness
Pastel? BAMF approved
RAWR! I'm a vampire!
As much as I wanted to stay longer, sadly our time together had to be cut short. I was needed by a sick bb bro and it sort of broke my heart when I was asked to go home. Ahhh, all good things do come to an end.
It was great to see here after so long, it only comes to show that a great best friendship really isn't measured by how much time you spend together. I really, really missed her and I ending my Friday even if it was just for a few hours made my day.
More Fridays, please?
I declare Friday, officially BAMF-ED!
- >:)